Forms of wear
Tribological stress
Analysis and containment
Availability levels for plant in all kinds of industries depend heavily on effective measures to prevent wear and corrosion. Depending on the nature of the wear to which they are exposed, customized surface treatments can be applied to assemblies. A broad spectrum of methods is available for this purpose: Thermal coating, for example, is particularly well suited to producing thicker coating layers, while new welding techniques such as plasma and laser deposition welding are gaining in importance.
The form of an assembly and the stresses to which it is subjected are the key factors in determining which coating system is the most suitable one. Even minor differences in the system of wear can significantly affect the demands placed on the coating system. This means that coating systems which work well with one assembly cannot necessarily be applied "as is" to other assemblies. Stress levels depend on the elements in the tribological system. Stresses exerted on a solid surface by contact with other solid surfaces, liquids or gases and their relative motion cause friction (the loss of energy) and wear (the loss of material). This can cause assemblies to malfunction or even fail completely.
Our analysis or wear assigns appropriate weightings to the various elements, and this has a material influence on both the optimal design of the KVT Coating System® and the choice of coating methods. We apply our understanding of tribology and years of experience to minimize wear and optimize friction conditions. This improves the operational safety of plant and machinery, cuts costs, conserves resources, saves energy and reduces harmful emissions.